Cat Calendar

„With slow, precise movements and intimately-crafted tableaux, Antonia
Baehr and Antonija Livingstone’s Cat Calendar uses drag performance to
explore a fascinating new space of becoming that exists somewhere between
youth and old age, woman and man, human and animal.“ (Marc Siegel)

Cat Calendar

A performance by and with: Antonia Baehr & Antonija Livingstone
has been created in residency on the island N.Tynningö, Sweden
and in a studio in a schoolhouse in Berlin.
Soundtrack and technical Director: Rut Waldeyer

Lightdesign: Uli Ertl
Setdesign, props and costume advice: Ida Nathan
Conctructions: Gregor Hotz
Administration: Ulrike Melzwig

Production: make up productions
Supported by: Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur Berlin

Thank you to/ tack so mycket till: Hedvigsdal, Clowner Utan Granser, Tine Van Aerschot, Xavier Le Roy, Heijki Laanela, Ulrich Baehr, Ausland Berlin, Gregor Hotz, Conrad Noack, Barbara Loreck, Anne Quirynen, Petra Sabisch, Isabell Spengler, Daniel Adams Goldbeck, Steffi Weismann.

Premiere: 2004
Duration: ca. 60min.

Cat Calendar, Marc Siegel


„I remember being about ten years old when I told my mom and dad that I thought Stubby, our dog, and Stella, my grandmother, had the same cute eyes and facial expressions. Upon hearing her mother-in-law being compared to a dog, my mom laughed with satisfaction, while my dad looked on in embarrassment.“