RIRE / LAUGH / LACHEN, the book
The book RIRE / LAUGH / LACHEN is a practical archive, documenting the choreographic project RIRE / LAUGH / LACHEN, and at the same time a practical workbook with scores for laughter and laughing exercises. It contains many scores, texts by Lindy Annis and Stefan Pente, and an interview with Xavier Le Roy, a.o.

Antonia Baehr: RIRE / LAUGH / LACHEN, 2008
112 pages, French/English, Price: 22 €
ISBN : 978 2 913661-28-8
Editions: Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers / L’Œil d’Or / make up productions
Order the book through the publisher here.
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She came on stage in her neat black suit with her hair slicked back. She put her book of scores on the stand towards the front of the stage and began her performance, just like any musician. The only difference being that she was her only instrument and that what she started to do was laugh. She laughed laughs collected from friends for her birthday, from amateurs and from specialists during workshops. It is this laughter, at once a personal object, object of study and artistic object, that this book documents and offers to share. It wagers that a work of art can become a tool for others to use. The function in this case being laughter.
Table of Content:
Foreword by Antonia Baehr
I like to laugh. I laugh often. I am often seen laughing by Lindy Annis
Laughing Exercises (by Barbara Manzetti, Claude Bokhobza, Chantal and Bakary Diakhité)
Notation of Laughter
Scores for Laughter (by Christian Kesten, William Wheeler, Nicole Dembélé, Henry Wilt, Manuel Coursin, Naïma Akkar, Valérie Castan, Sylvie Garot, Bettina von Arnim, Ulrich Baehr, Frédéric Gies, Steffi Weismann, Andrea Neumann, Isabell Spengler, Stefan Pente)
Texts on Laughter
Interview: Antonia Baehr & Xavier Le Roy
Laughter. Minus-Laughter by Stefan Pente