PARTS FROM MY DOG IS MY PIANO, a sonic lecture-performance, Berlin

PARTS FROM MY DOG IS MY PIANO, a sonic lecture-performance


One of them is quick, the other slow, one gulps down his food, the other one savours it, one of them is at the beginning of his life, the other one started her last quarter, one knows her ancestors of at least six generations, the other one is unaware until his grandparents, and both have metal ends in their bodies.
Tocki von Arnim and Bettina von Arnim live together in the same house. They do not speak the same language, they are hardly alike and yet, they have assembled.
In My Dog is My Piano, Antonia Baehr sketches a subjective acoustic portrait of the affinity between her mother and her dog: can the house they share be read as the music score of the stories of canine-human living together? What kind of language emerges from this long duet of everyday comings and goings, of these choreographies of affinities?

More info here

Photos : A.Baehr - make up productions

Photo: A.Baehr – make up productions

photo: Oliver Möst

photo: Oliver Möst

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