Concept, interpretation, composition and choreography : Antonia Baehr

Based on scores by: Naima Akkar, Lindy Annis, Bettina von Arnim, Antonia Baehr, Ulrich Baehr, Frieder Butzmann, Valérie Castan, Manuel Coursin, Nicole Dembélé, Nathan Fuhr, Sylvie Garot, Frédéric Gies, Christian Kesten, Heather Kravas, Antonija Livingstone, Andrea Neumann, Stefan Pente, Isabell Spengler, Steffi Weismann, William Wheeler, Henry Wilt, a.o..
Artistic collaboration and choreography : Valérie Castan
Dramaturgy : Lindy Annis
Sound creation and composition : Manuel Coursin
Sound regie : Samuel Pajand
Light creation : Sylvie Garot
Lighting control : Rima Ben Brahim, Raphaël Vincent
Administration : Ulrike Melzwig
Production : make up productions
Co-production : Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Les Subsistances, Lyon
Supported by the cultural administration of Berlin and Ausland, Berlin.

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