14.10. & 11.11.2012

Abecedarium Bestiarium Salon II & III
A performed ABC of affinity in animal metaphors presented in three salons at ausland Berlin

At this point in time, we meet Antonia Baehr during the first stage of her project, Abecedarium Bestiarium, a performed ABC of affinity in animal metaphors. Here she invites artist friends to uncover an affinity that they have with one extinct animal of their choice. Each animal stands for one letter of the ABC. She commissions each of these artists to write a short solo performance score, related to the animal that they have selected, which she can perform on stage alone. In the course of three salons at ausland Berlin, Antonia Baehr will premiere the scores she received in the presence of the authors.

Overall concept, production and performance: Antonia Baehr
With compositions by: Fred Bigot (electronicat), Pauline Boudry, Valérie Castan, Manuel Coursin, Lucile Desamory, Vinciane Despret, Sabine Ercklentz, Dodo Heidenreich, Christian Kesten, Keren Ida Nathan (Ida Wilde), Andrea Neumann, Stefan Pente, Isabell Spengler, Steffi Weismann,
William Wheeler, a. o.
Administration: Alexandra Wellensiek
Dramaturgy Salon I: Lindy Annis
Dramaturgy Salon II & III: Keren Ida Nathan (Ida Wilde)
Supported by ausland. Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.

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