Antonia Baehr is beginning with a new series of solos about interspecies relations, critiquing anthropocentrism and the straightness of nature/culture binarism. She will work with threesomes of affinity, conjoining an animal with a friend or parent and with herself as the host and solo-interpreter, as she will also in My Dog is My Piano, presented the night before in the festival.

At this point in time, we meet Antonia Baehr during the first stage of her project, ABeCedarium Bestiarium, a performed “ABC of friendship” in animal and temporal drag. Here she invites artist friends to uncover an affinity that they have with one extinct animal of their choice. Each animal stands for one letter of the ABC. She commissions each of these artists to write a short solo performance score, related to the animal that they have selected, which she can perform on stage alone. In the frame of the festival Antonia Baehr will perform two scores, the letters: S and T.

„S is for Steller’s Sea Cow“: concept, composition, choreography and setting: Sabine Ercklentz
„T is for Tasmanian Tiger“: text, voice, composition, costume and choreography: Steffi Weismann

Overall concept, production and performance: Antonia Baehr
Technical direction: Angela Anderson
Administration: Alexandra Wellensiek

Thank you: Ausland, William Wheeler, Stefan Pente, Conrad Noack, Ida Wilde, Bettina von Arnim, Andrea Neumann, Antonina Panfilowitsch, Kathrin Ercklentz, Rudolf Mast, Dieter Rehwinkel, Lindy Annis, Alain Roux, Rudyard Kipling, Friedrich Kittler, François Noudelman, Wolfgang Müller, Valérie Castan, Gertrude Stein, Walton Ford, Elisabeth Freeman

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds

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